You’re called to something new

Let us equip you.

Have you heard of the doula effect?

It is widely known that having continuous support during labor improves the experience in many ways. Shorter labor, less pain medications needed, fewer interventions and an improved satisfaction with the birth experience are just a few of the measurable outcomes. This effect has not been duplicated with nurses or midwives.

New Creation is a community of Christian birth workers whose mission is to magnify Christ as we equip and support families through pregnancy, childbirth, and early family formation. As a collective, we are able to provide services such as empowering education, quality doula services, and celebratory photography.


Raleigh, NC

Birmingham, AL

New Creation recognizes that birth is only the beginning of your role in parenting the new creation God has entrusted to you. We seek to give you the skills you will need both now and in the future.

It is our pleasure to support individuals and families of all faith backgrounds and belief systems.

We'd love to serve you.

Check out what our clients are saying!

Why New Creation?

When you hire New Creation you can rest assured you will receive top-notch, evidence based support, education and service. We all need a village and at New Creation, our support for the families we serve is bolstered by our care for one another. We support each other through prayer, regular continuing education and back-up support so no matter what you will receive the care you need when you need it. As followers of Christ we hold ourselves to high standards of conduct with our clients, medical professionals and other birth workers always seeking to glorify God through our service.

“There is such a special sweetness in being able to participate in creation."

—Pamela S. Nadav